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Track record of public issues

Track Record of Public Issues managed by Merchant Banker in the last 3 financial years In terms of SEBI circular no. CIR/MIRSD/1/2012 dated 10/01/2012, Merchant Bankers are required to disclose the Track Record of public issues managed by Merchant Banker in the prescribed format for the last 3 financial years and also for the public issues managed from the date of the circular i.e. 10/01/2012. 

Track record of public issues managed - NIL 

As per the SEBI Circular on SEBI/HO/CFD/DCR2/P/CIR/2021/0661 on 23 November 2021, we are publishing our investor charter for various categories as mentioned below. Investors are strongly encouraged to go through the investor charter understand their rights and ways to redressal.

The following are the investor charters for the following transactions

  1.  IPO  

  2. Rights issue

  3. Qualified Institutions placement 

  4. SME IPO, FPO and OFS 

  5. Preferential Issue 

  6. Buyback of Securities 

  7. De-listing of securities 

  8. Substantial Acquisitions of Shares and Takeovers

  9. Private Placement of Municipal Debt securities 

  10. Public offer of REITs

  11. Public offer of InvITs 

  12. Private Placement of InvITs proposed to be listed 

  13. Public issues of debt securities 

  14. Public issue of non-convertible redeemable preference shares 

  15. Private placement of debt securities and non-convertible redeemable preference shares

Please note that JPR Capital has not managed any public issues (IPOs), FPO, rights issues, buyback offer, substantial takeover and acquisitions, REIT or InVIT till 31 August  2024. 

The below data for investors complaint for the month of August 2024 As per the above cited circular for the all above categories. 

Trend of monthly disposal of complaints (5 months rolling)  
Trend of yearly disposal of complaints (5 years rolling)  
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